Monday, June 11, 2007

Doing it....

Today is my first day smoke free. It was supposed to be yesterday. I didn't do so hot. I think I had 6 by the time the day was over. However.... today.... I am totally doing it. It is now 2:30 and I haven't had one yet. Why??? BECAUSE I FRIGGEN ROCK!!! Well.... today I do anyway. Funny thing is, I think I will still be able to do the weight thing and the smoking thing. I haven't had the hand to mouth urge AT ALL today. This is going to be nice. Oh so nice. Will update tonight and see what has happened by then. I am determined. I am.


Melanie D. said...

I'm so glad that you are a non-smoker now. Congrats and KUDOS to you.

Well done!

Jacqniel said...

I just figured out you had a blog! You are now added to my favorites!
I smoked for ten years. I hated that I smoked but I loved to smoke. I quit with my first pregnancy (I could quit for someone elses health, but not my own) but then started back up after he was born. When I got pregnant with number two I stopped again and knew that he would be my last baby so had to stop for good - or I would continue to smoke the rest of my life.
Quitting smoking was hard, but so worth it. No more morning cough. No more having to find time to sneak a smoke in. No more disappointed looks from my husband and thoughts from myself. More money in the bank!
Hang in there - you CAN do this - and you will be so proud of yourself! Jacque

nikkis30by30 said...

Thanks for all of the words of encouragement! I am going to need it more as the days wear on.

Jacque~ I know what you mean about loving to smoke but hating it. Such a catch 22. If it wasn't so bad for a person, and if I wasn't watching my Grandma go through Chemo for lung cancer, which has also turned to brain cancer, I would be a smoker for LIFE. I quit with all three of my pregnancies and then it was like as soon as I got home from the hospital and reality started to set in, that cigarette was my reward for.... well... whatever I had to endure that day. But, it is time. I have to learn something from Grandma's getting sick, other than just how to learn to make every moment count and how to say goodbye. I WILL DO THIS. And... how sweet are you to encourage ME when YOU are the one enduring Hell??? It is I that should be sending the good vibes your way. So.... no more bitching from me (at least I hope....) I am adding you to my list of inspiration.

Mel~ Thank you for once again being my strength and voice of reason. You and Stacey are the two that have made me realize that I CAN do this and that it's really what I DO want. PLEASE keep it up!! I need it. I really do. Thanks again for just being YOU. There is no greater feeling in the world than having family also being friends. Life is good....

Must go get Kleenex now!! ~HUGS~

Melanie D. said...

Hey there. Thinking of you today. And how hard this week will be for you. Call me today if you are thinking of smoking. I'll listen to you - and support you.

I blogged a little this AM about addiction and my thoughts. You are really on my mind.

So have a great day. Keep your hands busy and your mind busier.

You are never going to smoke another cigarette...ever. And that is miraculous.