Wednesday, August 19, 2009

News watch

Just thought I would humiliate myself and let you all know that Jenna and I were interviewed today by Channel 8. I look terrible because as we were walking in, it started pouring rain. Not to mention the gal did the interview AFTER I told my baby goodbye and had myself a good cry. Glad I will be publicly humiliated in a few hours. I'm now going to be in the group of people that they interview in the trailer park after a tornado.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bo Knows

Don't scream at me....

I AM READY FOR SNOW. I know it's not news to any of you that I am happiest in -20ยบ weather. That's not an exaggeration, folks. Snow and bitter cold makes for a VERY happy Nikki. I loathe nothing more than sweating. Yes, I like the sun. But I do not like the unbearable heat that comes with this time of year. It makes me extremely crabby. I long for the cool crisp nights that Fall will bring soon.

It will be soon, right????

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stinkin machines!

Soooo.... I know I know..... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! Well, this summer has brought so many new things to our lives that I honestly haven't had a chance to even breathe, let alone post blogs. I WILL be posting lots of pics soon, that I promise. I just have to go through and clean and take a picture, room by room, before it is trashed again. I am currently taking care of 7 children all day every day (my three plus four daycare. Two of the daycare kids just turned 2 in the last month) so cook, clean, cook, clean, change a poopy diaper, wipe a runny nose, cook, clean, you see how the day gets away from me.

Anyheeeew, the reason for my post. I am FRUSTRATED!!! I have a seven year old washing machine. Seven years isn't old, right? My mom's was like 100 before she had to replace it! I don't think I will be so lucky. Something just isn't right with mine. Last spring, I paid almost $200 to have $ears come out and check out both machines, and of course nothing was wrong with it. It won't spin on the final spin. It will run through the entire cycle, but on the final spin it just decides it's going to take a nap and not spin. So, when I come down to swap loads, I have to manually turn the dial to "spin", make sure it actually starts spinning, and wait another X minutes for it to finish. Does anyone have a suggestion on this??? Seriously, Aunt J, feel free to ask Uncle D. I am at a loss..... many of $$$$..... so any suggestion is more than welcomed at this point!

Ok..... off to swap loads and change diapers. I WILL be back. SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

She's only NINE!!!

First off, OM.... about the last post.... you HAVE to read these books. You HAVE to. You really will like it. It's not all blood and gutsy type vampire stuff. It REALLY isn't. It's more of a love story. Kinda Romeo and Juliet type stories. It's REALLY good, and not gore style junk. I wouldn't read gore. No way. I like to sleep nightmare free. HA HA!

Ok. So. She is only nine. Addison that is. And....







Not the sex talk. The period talk.

One of her best friends just turned 15 and started hers today. A little background. This girl is underdeveloped for her age. She isn't the top of her class, she is very small, etc. Let me put it this way: She is on the same level as Addison, but 6 years older. Oh.... her name is Brooke.

Brooke had a birthday this week and to celebrate, they were going to stay at a local hotel and swim and play. Considering the circumstances of the morning, plans changed and they are now going bowling and eating out at the restaurant of the girls' choosing. (OM.... remember your first tampon experience??? LOL!! That's been on my mind ALL MORNING!!!) When I told Addison they weren't going swimming anymore, as you can guess, she wanted to know why.

My answer?? Go take a shower and we will talk in a bit.

CALL MOM!!!! NOW!!!!! "Mom, I need some parenting advice. How do I tell Addison about her period???"

After a good talk with mom and some research on the net, we sat down for a little chat. Just an FYI: the internet was NO help. It was all the science, none of the heart to heart info. Needless to say, I was still shooting from the hip here.

After we discussed it all, my calm, cool, confident child said, "Ok. That explains a lot about the last week with Brooke. Thanks for helping me understand it, Mom." And that was it. I, of course, told her to ask me anything at all if she came up with questions later, and she can also ask any other woman she feels comfortable with. She said, "No problem, Mom, don't worry. I really get it and I know I can ask you anything." WHAT AN AWESOME KID!!!!

Maybe I am doing something right. She still knows she can come to me. What a great feeling.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I really AM alive. I don't know where time has gone, but I WILL try and find some time to do the meme that OM posted. Oh, and maybe update you all on my life.

Right now.... a book.

It is SCREAMING for me.


I had to share with you......

YOU MUST READ Tw¡l¡ght. I don't know what it is about this book, but it sucked me in. I really mean it. I would honestly read 150+ pages a night. I had to hide it from myself so that I would get Christmas gifts wrapped and candies made, etc. Pathetic. Kinda.

I am now reading the sequel, New M00n. I will let you know how it goes, but thus far, AWE...... wait for it............ SOME!

I really don't know what it is about these books. They are, by far, NOT the best writing I have ever read. However, the story somehow, like I said, sucks you in. It's just wonderful. And I am thrilled, considering they aren't really "my type" of books.

Awwww.... enough from me.... GO READ THEM!!! Let me know what you think! There are, so far, 4 books in the series. I plan to own all of them.

Off to my big, comfy bed, under my heavy blankies, with a great book! That is, until the hubs comes in and takes off my glasses and turns off the light upon finding me asleep with the book on my chest at 2 in the morning. Heehee