Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I keep trying to think of something to post about. I don't feel like there is anything to really write about though. So, I thought I would just sign on to let you all know I am still alive and kickin!!!

I am sad that we won't be together for Thanksgiving this year. I hope you all have a wonderful day and MBG, if you need to hear from family, let us know, we will call!!!!

Love you all and we will see you (some) on Christmas Eve!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Poor Addison....

Have I ever mentioned that Jenna is a horse lover? Maybe I should say she has an obsession. I really am not kidding here. This child is so obsessed that when we go to a store, she will separate from the group to go look for horse attire. If we are in a toy department, she goes straight to the horse section (yes, there are sections with horse stuff). It doesn't matter if it's MLP or random things, she begs for it ALL.


I just got an email from one of Addison's GS troop leaders that I have become rather close to. They had a cookie sales meeting today to talk about somethings with sales this year. Guess what the theme of all the prizes is.....


Poor Addison. I think for Christmas I may buy her a fireproof lock box for her to lock up all of her winnings away from her sister. Poor thing. I even asked if Jenna could join our troop this year, just for cookie sales!!! LOL! Of course, she is much too young. I am thinking I may have Jenna go along on all of the sales trips just so she has to do some of the work to be able to play with the toys.

Seriously folks. What are the chances??? Not to mention when and if Jenna is ever in scouts, they won't ever have a horse theme. You know. Murphy's law and all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lunchtime discussion

Jenna: Mom (pause) can you get me (pause) some (pause) hiccup medicine?

Me: (trying not to laugh) Oh, honey, there isn't hiccup medicine. Just try taking a drink.

Jenna: You (pause) are super smart (pause) Mom. You need to (pause) make some (pause) hiccup medicine (pause). I know (pause) you are (pause) the best for (pause) doing it.