Friday, March 28, 2008


Enrique has been the love of my life since the release of "Rhythm Divine". I really mean it. Mole and all. (Why did he remove it?!?!) I love his voice. I love the accent. I love to imagine dancing with him. He is beautiful in ever sense of the word. Ohhhh his voice. He is my McDreamy.

The other night as I was cleaning, I had him blasting from the rafters. I found a new favorite song. And so did my son. Mine is titled "Don't You Forget About Me". My son's is "Bailamos". I love to watch him as he dances to this song. I mean this kid LOVES this song. It's awesome! Turn it on for your kids and see if they do the same. It's fun! Zack even sings himself to sleep at night singing this song.

Long live Enrique!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Knots in the rope

On Sunday, our pastor was talking about prayer. He talked about how Jesus prayed for strength to get through all that he was going to endure in the coming days. One of the things he said was the Bible tells us to "Pray and don't faint". Very insightful. But the thing that got me was when he started talking about how praying puts knots in your rope. Ever tried to climb a rope that doesn't have any knots in it? It's not all that fun. But put just one knot in it and you can scale the rope with more ease. Add another knot.... even easier. He talked about when he was a kid and he made a rope swing. All it was was a rope with a bunch of knots in it and at one point it had so many knots in one place that the smaller knots made one big knot that he could just sit on and enjoy the ride.

Isn't it amazing how when you add knots to your rope, the ride is a LOT easier? I have been thinking about that the last couple of days. I had been having so many things going through my mind that I was trying to take care of myself and one night I got to thinking "Hey dummy.... when was the last time you actually prayed and left it at God's feet?". I had to be honest with myself (and also with God) that I hadn't actually PRAYED since Dad's last cardiac surgery. I mean I had prayed that He take care of people, but never laid any of MY problems at His feet. It was always for someone else's benefit that I was praying. It may sound selfish, but when I started praying for my own guidance and personal help, my life became.... well... HAPPY again.

I don't go to church often. I hate to admit that and know that my Grandfather rolls in his grave when I talk about it. He would not approve of my church attendance. However.... I DO have a working relationship with God. I am only human. I screw up. A LOT. But I do try. Again, I am only human. I just have to keep tying those knots and enjoying the ride. Sounds rather simple. But then again.... Life with God makes everything a lot easier.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Add insult to injury

My face is seriously breaking out like a teenager!!! I can't even count the number of zits I have right now.

Gray hair, chin hair, neck hair, and zits. I am so sexy, you have no idea how bad you wanna be me!! ;)

Nothing real new to report. Other than this is my favorite time of year.... MARCH MADNESS BABY!!! I hate to report that my team lost in the first round this year, so I guess I will now root for KU. :( Oh well.... maybe next year.

Must get back to the boob tube. Have a VERY Happy Easter!

Monday, March 17, 2008


So far, I am loving being the big 3-0. I really mean it. I love it. But.....

Friday night as I was getting ready for our going away party, I found it. My first gray hair. I can honestly say I am not in any way depressed about this. But now I am stuck with the dilemma of whether I start dying my hair again or just leave it the way it is. It's only one hair. But there are going to be more. Oh well.... I'll decide later. Who cares. It's just a gray hair. But.....

What about those other pesky hairs that keep showing up?!?!? I have had to wax the lip and brows for years now. But now, I am noticing more and more of those little black hairs that weren't there when I put my face on only 4 hours prior and now they are an inch long! They are everywhere. Some on the neck. Some on the chin. and there is this one..... just one.... that pops up on the left side of the face, basically on my cheek. Seriously. The cheek. What the heck?!?! The worst part is knowing that there isn't any way to get rid of them myself, other than to grab the tweezers. But it never fails that I find them when I have been in public and I just KNOW the whole world saw them! I wish I could afford to get lazer treatment. Oh well. Thank Goodness for tweezers. They are now in every corner of my life.... the purse, the van console (because outdoor light while waiting for kids to get out of school is PERFECT), the medicine cabinet, and on top of the entertainment center.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I am my mother after all!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008


No one but me here in the blogosphere. I am sad. Please don't leave me. :)

I am sad today. One of my very dear friends, Jason, is leaving on Monday for basic training for the Army National Guard. I have very mixed feelings, all of which are very selfish.

I am so proud of him. He is 28 and just now deciding that this IS what he should have done out of high school and it's never too late to follow your heart, so this is where he is going. We need men like him (and women!!) on our side. He is genuine and real and won't hesitate to tell you if you ask that the reason he is doing this is "for you". What he means by that is that he is going so that he can defend you, me, and our children. What a wonderful person. What a wonderful sacrifice. I am proud to call him my friend.


I am so sad. My heart is breaking thinking about him coming here tonight for his going away party that I have been putting together for the last two months. There are mounds of food. There is a cooler full of.... ice. ;) The cards and notebooks and pens are out and ready to go. The music is on the computer. It WILL be fun. We WILL laugh. But.... we will also cry. It's inevitable. I hate goodbyes. I mean I LOATHE them. I don't even say goodbye, unless on the phone, and even then I will usually say talk to you later or something to that effect and hang up. And I won't say goodbye. The word won't come. But even see you in 5 months makes my heart hurt. He is here ALL the time. He calls me almost every day just to check on me and see if I am having a good day. He is my friend. And I love him more than he will EVER know.

To Jason.....

I know you will never read this. I know I will never find the words to tell you how proud I am to call you my friend and defender. But know that you are everything to those of us that you are leaving for a short while. We WILL be here when you get home. We will be ready with open arms to welcome you back. Please stay strong and remember.... In God We Trust. I love you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I can remember my parents complaining about the less than wonderful education they thought we were getting at times. One thing being that we didn't ever really have a penmanship class. I mean, they taught us cursive and all, but there wasn't ever really a class to improve our writing like there was when my parents were in school. My thing was always that they had writing classes, but look at my dad's writing. It's comparable to that of a serial killer. Seriously. Few people can read my dad's writing. My mom has beautiful writing. She chalks it up to the fact that her writing teacher once told her that her writing was awful.

I now have similar feelings about Addison's education. I DO feel she is being taught well. She excels at Math and Reading and does above average in all other classes (with the exception of PE) as well. However, last week they were studying Dr Seuss. I LOVE Dr. Seuss!!! His birthday is shared with my mom, yet another reason to love him! LOL! The thing is, she brought home these little doorknob hanger things they colored at some point in the week. The saying on one says something to the effect of "Come in, come play, with me and the Cat In the Hat today". Ok.... may not look bad to any of you. But I have OCD about this one thing, thanks to my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs Hibbs (to this day my favorite teacher of all my years in school) and my mother. I read something like this and think, "Don't say 'me and....', it sounds like you are saying the person is mean". Am I the only one that remembers these things? It should, according to what I was taught as a child, read, "With the Cat In the Hat and me today". Uggghhhh..... no wonder I keep having to tell my kids over and over and over, "So and so and me, not me and so and so." I believe that Aunt J said something to the effect in a comment on one of OM's posts about the fact that the things she tried over and over to teach her children was never "right" until a teacher told them. Well, in this case, it seems as though the teachers aren't even telling them this.

Am I wrong to be irritated by such a thing?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

This and that

There really doesn't seem to be a whole lot that's new. And with everyone on blogging strike, I find it hard to even think of something to write about, not knowing if anyone will even read it. Oh well.

Grandma is doing a lot better. She is now living at The Homestead in assisted living, temporarily. They moved her out there until she is stronger because having someone stay at the house 24/7 to make sure she doesn't fall again just isn't possible right now. She LOVES her new apartment. When I have talked to her, she talks most about the wonderful food. They have gourmet food catered in for every meal, and I guess it's quite delicious. She has even said that she might just stay there forever because the food is so darned good! All in all, she sounds super happy. It's nice to finally hear her back to her old jovial self!

Otherwise, there isn't a whole lot new on the home front. I am making meatballs and twice baked potatoes for supper tonight. Must get to making the "guts" of the taters!!! Talk more soon!