Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God IS laughing

So on my way to take Jenna to preschool yesterday, guess what I saw on the side of the highway? A BUSTED DUST PAN! It was NOT mine. This one was blue, mine was clear.

But seriously....

God does have a sense of humor.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Still MIA

I am going to the store and getting a new dust pan. I have looked in toy boxes, in closets, it cupboards, even in the freezer. It's gone. Until I buy a new one. Good thing it was only a dollar. HA HA

Friday, September 26, 2008

Close but no cigar

And no it isn't a cigar missing.

IT'S THE DUST PAN!!! You were close Mama. Your other guesses were awesome. Thanks for the laughs!!! LOL!

Ok, so do you know how frustrating it is to sweep without a dust pan?? It used to be I didn't have one. I used a Dust Buster to suck it all up. Then that wonderful little thing died and it was just cheaper to get a dust pan and deal with that little line of junk that is always left no matter how hard you try to get it all up.

But now, I have to drag out the good ole Dy$on and use the wand to suck it up. Which is fine, but just one more thing to get out and put away.

The dust pan has been attached to my broom for ages. Eons. We just used it last Saturday to sweep up Addison's hair. Now it's gone. I suppose maybe it was thrown away. But I think I remember it on Monday.

Oh well. The trick now is to remember to get one when I am at the store next. No easy feat, I tell ya. I have Sometimers.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another victim

The black hole has taken another victim. Last time I spoke of the black hole, it had taken all of my pens (Mama.... want my address??;)). Well now it has gotten an item that only will be lost in MY house.

Don't laugh at me.

Are you ready?

Take a guess what you think it is.

Actually.... here is what I am going to do. I am going to leave you hanging. I want to know what you all think is now lost. I will come back and post again and tell you what it actually is when I see your replies. This will be fun.

Brainstorm. I will bet that none of you can guess what it is. I really can't believe it's missing. This is just too much. HA HA

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No more wordless

First, I want to tell "mama" that I think one of the best gifts you could give a person is your hair. As long as I can remember in my life, I remember ALWAYS loving YOUR hair. It is, by far, the most beautiful hair I have ever seen in my life. And I have seen a LOT of hair.

Second, that thought leads me to why I am posting.

I miss Grandma. So bad so that I am crying as I type this. Does anyone watch Bo$ton Leg@l? This week was against Big T0bacco. The firm won, BT lost.

When they talked about the anguish and the pain of the cancer, I almost threw up. I mean that quite literally.

But this is what is really on my mind.....

Why is it that directly after a loss, the support is unbearable but when it..... well.... what is the word I am looking for????...... "passes", the support is gone?!?!? Don't people realize that the time AFTER is the worst??? The times when you are sweeping with her broom and lose it in the middle of your kitchen floor. The times when you are dusting his humidor and tear up because you can still smell him as if he is there in the room. The times when........

Why don't they call anymore? Why don't they email? Do they really think it's all better?


Wordless Donation

Monday, September 15, 2008


OM called me out on it. Maybe I lied. A little. I should have said ONE OF MY FAVORITE SMELLS.

OM.... you are so right. People accuse me of loving fall because it's when my birthday falls. No. I love EVERYTHING about the fall. When I am asked why I love the "dying" colors of fall and not the "living" colors of spring, my answer is easy. In the spring, I know what is coming in a couple of months..... SWEAT. I LOATHE SWEAT!!! Same reason I don't have a gym membership. I HATE SWEAT!!!! However..... fall..... oooooooh fall. How I love you. Your colors. Your smells. The snow to soon follow. I love it. Best of all? Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday.

Speaking of smells, what better smells than the smells of Thanksgiving? I mean really folks. Pumpkin pie. Turkey. Taters and gravy.


Yes. I lied. But not intentionally.

Fall, you are my FAVORITE.

Two in one day again?!?!

I just decided my new favorite smell is the Febreze Linen and Sky spray. Aaahhhhh it's so wonderful. Too bad it seems like the rest of the world loves it, too. Every time I look for it, the spot is empty. Darn the luck!!!

Today I'm thanking God

For my dad.

A lot of people are watching the news about the horrible market crash today. I think.... I may be wrong.... that I heard them (the news) say that it was the 6th worst crash in history. Ok, that I can handle. It's the stock market. Ride it out. But....

I think that one of the biggest reasons (again this is my opinion, not necessarily fact) that these companies are going under is because of the awful thing called the ARM loan.

A few years ago, I almost ignored my dad's advice on getting an ARM loan on a house that I wanted so terribly for my family. Can you imagine where I would be right now if I had ignored his wisdom???? I would be bankrupt and homeless with a husband, three kids, a dog and a cat. Well.... maybe the animals wouldn't be with us. We may have made chinese one night. Hee hee.

Thank God fro my dad. He was adamant that we didn't need the house that bad if we would have to take an ARM loan. I really can't explain to you how close I was to saying my normal "Let me learn from my own mistakes, Dad". But, I didn't. Thank God. And I still have a roof over our heads and not near the worries that thousands of jobless people who worked for these companies have now.

Who is the jerk that thought of ARM loans and why did ANYONE think they would be a GOOD thing?!?!?!? I may have to research this a bit more. My mind is boggled.

Make sure you add the people who lost their jobs today in your prayers. And the stock brokers. Poor people. I can't imagine. Thank Goodness I live in podunk Nebraska where things of that nature are so foreign.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Blog Happy

Post #3 for the day. Hmmm....

So, as I am cleaning up the house, I am also paying bills. A question pops into my mind every time I go to pay bills. WHERE DO ALL THE PENS GO?!?!?! Does anyone have a map to this black hole dimension so that I can save just a couple pennies a year on new pens?


I am having an internal conflict. I REALLY want to order the 'Skers tomorrow. I just don't know. $30. But I LOVE the 'Skers! Anyone wanna come watch with me so I don't feel like I am wasting the money??????


So, after I stopped crying the other day, I called my Aunt Jan. She is my grandma's younger sister. She has become my lifeline. Not that she would ever even dream of replacing my grandmother, she has told me that now instead of calling Hastings, I call Salt Lake. So be it. Her advice:

STOP SAYING YES. I know this. I really do. But, somehow, I until now, I haven't been able to act on it. Yesterday this "friends" friend passed away. Don't get me wrong, this really is a tragedy. She was 31 years old, had brain cancer, and was supposed to have a commitment ceremony this weekend. Instead she is being buried. They were going to have a commitment ceremony because she didn't want her boyfriend to be left with all of her medical bills when she passed. It's VERY sad. But, when my "friend" called to tell me about it yesterday, although I was sad for her, I didn't offer anything other than if she needed someone to talk to she could call. Well, she ended up bringing out beer and munchies (I had supper going when she originally called) and some fun things for the kids. Here is my thinking: if I just keep my distance, she is going to keep paying for things like this and sooner or later, it will be paid off. Does that make sense? If it happens that this new behavior stops, that's fine, I will just keep on keeping my distance. I can't lie.... my give a $hit is busted.

On a higher note. My son. Oh Lord, my son. This may be the longest 13 years of my life. He has been in school for 2 weeks and has decided that the bathroom is the place to get rowdy. According to his teacher, the schools (in their infinite wisdom) decided to replace all of the old style liquid soap pumps with those new fancy shmancy foam ones. It didn't take long for all the boys (thankfully mine isn't the only one!) to figure out that they can clap their hands and the foam flies! Imagine the look on my face when my son comes walking out of the school one day to tell me that he got 2 think times because he was dancing and singing in the bathroom because it echos. Then, a few days later, tells me that he ALMOST got a think time because he was dancing in the bathroom and slipped and fell and another kid was knocked over in the process (said kid was also dancing). It is so hard to keep a straight face and tell him that this is wrong when I can just see him in there dancing and singing like the rock star he hopes to one day be!!!! I went from a quiet, studious daughter to a son that sings and dances in the bathroom. I hate to think what will happen once Jenna gets in there. She is the orneriest of them all!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Walk on

Do you ever get the feeling that there is a sign on your forehead or back that everyone in the world, minus you, can see?!?!? The sign reads: I am a pushover. Feel free to use and abuse me. I will take it, don't worry!

I am owed over $700 by a "friend" that I "loaned" $300 to for a deposit and then she was supposed to pay $50 a week while she lived with us and never paid a red cent. When I say things about how broke we are now, she says things like, "Just transfer money from savings". Ummmm.... the money I used to take care of you was money that we were to be putting into savings, my dear. There is no savings! NONE!! This was money that was to go toward buying a house and getting new furniture. Now, both dreams have been ripped from my hands. What I have been working over a year to achieve now must start over from square one because I, for some reason, feel the need to help every little lost puppy in the world. My mother calls it Uncle Myron Syndrome.

My son came home yesterday distraught because his hoodie wasn't on his hook when he got his backpack. There ya go folks... even an elementary student is getting one up on me. Why do kids feel the need to steal??? My Uncle Myron Syndrome tells me that they must need it worse than Zack does and we can afford to get a new one, so let them have it. However, my temper tells me to go find the kid that is wearing said hoodie and pummel him!!! Write his name on the tag?? Sure.... no problem.... but that doesn't tell me where the hoodie is now. Maybe I will just install GPS chips in all of my kids' belongings.

A skateboard. Yeah. A $10 skateboard. Stolen off my porch.

Laundry soap. I forgot to grab it off the steps when I sat it down to open the door while bringing in groceries. Next morning.... gone.

And I can't move out of here.... why???..... Oh yeah.... BECAUSE MY SAVINGS TO DO SO IS GONE!!!!

I am so down. I picked up the phone this morning, dialed 4O2-463-27O7. Waited for the ring. Got the frelling operator saying this number was no longer in service. Well no $hit, Nikki..... she has been dead for 10 weeks.... how in the HELL did I forget that?!?!!?

Does anyone know of a hole I could just crawl into? I may explode.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Poor Baby

My daycare mom was called to duty with the National Guard this week for hurricane relief. Thankfully, it wasn't overseas. However, she will be gone a minimum of 15 days and her poor daughter is so confused right now it makes me tear up. Cuddling with her on the couch seems to be helping, but it's breaking my heart. She is only 13 months old, not an age to reason with. Poor little thing.

I thank God for our troops. Especially in times like this, when I see a little face that, with every squeak of my screen door turns and looks for mommy only to be disappointed that it's my husband.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Go go go go go go go! It seems that, since school started only a week and a half ago, I haven't been anywhere near a computer long enough to tell anything!

Zack and Addison are both loving school. The morning and bedtime routines have come to be very easy with Zack. I was actually worried about this. He is a night owl and loves to sleep in. Addison would rather go to bed no later than 8 and be up by 7. He is doing pretty well though. And every morning, it's, "Mom, I am going to lay in the tub for a little bit before you wash my hair. Can you make me three scrambled eggs with cheese so they can cool off before I am done?" No problem, buddy! Addison just gets up, takes a bath, and feeds and dresses herself. Although I miss helping her out, I am glad to have one less to have to aide every step of the way.

Jenna isn't taking too kindly to both of her siblings being out of the house all day every day. We spend a LOT of time sitting and reading and cuddling. Not that I am complaining, but she would rather be hangin with the sibs. Oh well. This Friday, the 5th, she will be starting her own school and won't have time to miss them.... or not as much time that is.

As for me, just trying to keep the laundry caught up and meals made and floors vacuumed is keeping me up at night. I don't know how a person like me would ever be able to work outside the home and keep things up. I think maybe it's because I have a little OCD about how things are done around here. I try not to be. I really do. But saying is easier than doing sometimes. I have also come to realize that, even though I wouldn't trade one second of it for the world, taking care of Grandma took a lot away from my housekeeping. I just did the bare minimum while caring for her around here and now it's time to get back on it and git r dunnnnnn!

Speaking of which.... the dryer is buzzing! Until next time!