Friday, December 28, 2007

Pictures to go with previous post......

Addison and Jalyn opening Santa gifts

Jenna and her Santa gift

Zachary and Jason wrestling

More Zachary and Jason wrestling!!


Ok, so now that Christmas is over I have had time to ponder which I like more, to give to to receive. I have to say, I can't really decide. Here are the reasons why:

I LOVE to give. Especially annonymously. I really don't know how to spell that word, forgive me. This year, I did something I have never had the opportunity to do and it was by far the best feeling in my life thus far. A friend of mine posted a blog about people that she knows that have fallen on some very hard times. I have met these people and know that they are hard working, genuinely good people, and wanted to help. So I did. Another friend called her mom (who has a rather large sum of money in the bank) and asked her if she would donate to our cause. We went to Target and bought TONS of toys for those three little ones, clothes, dvds for the parents.... it was so wonderful. I really mean that. I only spent $30 of my own money and I can honestly say that it is the best money I spent the whole holiday season. The best part is that they don't have any clue who did it. Going back to a previous post where I talked about believing in Santa again, I know that they are now feeling the same way. That alone makes it all worth it. Giving, that is one of the many things this Season is about.

But then there is the receiving. I love the anxious waiting. I love tearing the paper. I love seeing how relieved the giver is to see that I really do like what they got me. Grab bags.....fahgit abaat it! By far my favorite!!! I LOVE to get them! Well.... I love to get them at the Shafers. Wells still haven't quite figured it all out.... but that's another post. I get the BEST stuff in the grab bags. Everything from little (ok, some not so little) decorations to comfy socks and hot cocoa and coffee.... and a MUCH NEEDED travel coffee mug.

So, this is my thing. I love everything about Christmas. I love the food. I love the chatting with loved ones. I love the gifts. I love the smiles and laughter. I love watching my cousin wrestle with my son. Family. Love. Laughter. Baby Jesus. Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time for honesty!!

Ok, so it's that time of year for giving and receiving gifts. Would you rather give or receive? Explain. And please be totally honest. If you would rather receive, it doesn't make you a bad person! I will post my answer after a couple of comments are left.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy and Sad

I love the Holidays. I really really do. These days, the shopping doesn't even really bother me.... even though Black Friday is not something I ever hope to be a part of. I love to watch people in the malls. I am one of those people that when I am done shopping, and sometimes before I even start, I will go get a coffee and sit on a bench and just watch the people as they pass. Some hurried, some laughing, most with huge bags of goodies for their loved ones. Wrapping stations concealing the prizes to be put under the tree. The carols in church. The candlelight service at my childhood church.

And that is where the tears come. The candlelight service. So many memories. Mostly good. But now, somehow a twinge of sad.

This time of year makes me miss my Grandpa and Uncle terribly. I look at my children and the children that surround us on my favorite night of the year and I think of how they don't get to watch the wrapping paper turn the flames to various colors in the fireplace. They don't get to hear Santa and the reindeer land on the roof (as uncles almost fall off said snow covered roof.... all for the entertainment of their nieces and nephews). They DO get to see the Christmas tree being buried by gifts as people file in to congregate. They DO get Dangler caramels. But they don't get to experience the entire Shafer Christmas Eve as I did.

As we grow older, people are unable to come. The people that help me to sing the Alto line of Silent Night as an uncle's beautiful bass voice sings in a pew across the aisle and the rest of the congregation sings the melody. Something that brought my Grandpa to tears and does the same to me now, as we all pass the light to those we love next to us with our burning white wax. Remember the hair burning Christmas Eve, girls? Laughter through tears.

I also realize that there is a very strong possibility that this is my Grandma's last Christmas. I want it to be fun. I want lots of laughter. And there will be.... along with the fear that one of my children might get a sniffle and cause her to get pneumonia. It will be wonderful. And it will be sad. And there will be love. And that, dear friends is what matters the most. Love. Laughter.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Yesterday we went to welcome the 755+h Chemical Company home from their 16 month deployment to Iraq. Our good friend, Wayne was part of that company. It was, to say the least, awesome. I, like an idiot, forgot my camera. Can you believe that?!?! And of course we were running so late that by the time I realized we didn't have it, it was too late to come home and get it. I will try my best to find some pictures to post, but don't hold your breath. Once we got there, Amy (Wayne's wife) realized that she had her camera, but the batteries were dead. :( This might be something that just lives in our little pea sized brains.

If you ever have the chance to welcome a soldier home, I highly recommend it. It is a feeling of patriotism that you may never have a second chance to experience. It's wonderful. And, thank God, Wayne is home safe, sound, and alive. Two other soldiers from his company were not so lucky.

There were hundreds of signs saying things like "Welcome Home 755+h!", etc. But, one of the best said:

Pederson is gone
Callahan is gone
Craig is home
Life is GOOD!!!

Amen.... and God Bless America!!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

I can't wait for the caramels

Nothing really new to post. I mean, there is always a lot going on but not usually anything of consequence. We have all been sick with a terrible cold and now we find out that my 4 month old daycare baby has RSV. My kids just got done with their antibiotics and now I have to call in and see if they need to be tested too. Before you ask.... it doesn't matter how young or old you are, you can get it, it's just that it's more detrimental to infants (then again, what isn't?). Sooooo.... hopefully I won't be spending another $60 in copays and even more on breathing treatments and steroids for my three kids. I wouldn't be overly worried except that we have all had this terrible cough that won't seem to go away. UUGGGHHHHH!!!!! The joys, right?!?

My dear Aunt Judy has been tempting me this last few days by writing in several things that she has made the caramels for Christmas. I know where you live, Aunt Judy!!! I know where you live!!! ;) There aren't many candies that I can stand to eat over the holidays anymore. It used to be as a kid I ate a bite of everything. These days a little bit lasts me a year. Among my all time favorites: Mom's buckeyes, Dangler caramels, and Grandma Wells' chocolate covered cherries and cherry mash. I am sad to report that there most likely won't be any Grandma Wells candy this year unless we get a miracle that makes her a little perkier. Poor gal, she is wiped out. Please continue praying for her. She needs all she can get.

I have about half of the shopping done. I am done with all but one daycare kid, have most of my kids' done, and then just have to do my family, grab bags, and get online to have my niece and nephew's gifts shipped.

That's about it from here. Must get kids ready for school. Have a great week!!!