Friday, October 31, 2008

Where has it gone???

No this isn't another post about losing something tangible. Just time. I hadn't realized I hadn't been on here for a while until OM brought it to my attention. So, a quick post about nothing.

I have been fighting a TERRIBLE cold this last week. I felt it coming on last week and told myself mind over matter and popped some vitamin C capsules daily. In a couple of days, all signs were gone. PHEW! And then, one morning, I woke up and couldn't breath and when I did draw a deep breath, hacked and coughed something awful. I thought I was over it yesterday, and now today I feel worse than I have through the entire bout. Ugh. And on Halloween.

Today, just trying to keep my head above water (funny because I do kinda feel like I am drowning, not being able to breathe and all) and keep the kids somewhat calm about tonight. At 2, the festivities will commence. First with Hubs' workplace, then on to the neighborhood stuff. I am hoping we will be home somewhat early so the kids hit their sugar crash and go to bed at a decent time. We will see who actually wins that one! LOL!

Anyway, that's about it in a nutshell. Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween! Can't wait to see pictures!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Busy night

Well, we made the globlins. We also made popcorn ball pumpkins . They weren't hard to make, but they were VERY time consuming.


It's that time. We get to make fun Halloween stuff to send to preschool. I don't think we are supposed to send homemade things to the elementary school, but I might try it anyway. The older kids are already whining about not getting to take them.

Anyhew..... I thought I would share the recipe. I basically picked this one because there is a girl in Jenna's class that has a food allergy to dairy and nuts. This SHOULD be safe.

6 cups kix cereal
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
4 cups miniature marshmallows
12 drops green food color
24 orange circus peanut candies
24 candy coated chocolate candies
red string licorice cut into 24 one inch

1) line 2 cookie sheets with waxed paper in a large bowl place cereal

2) .in a 4- quart sauce pan, melt butter over low heat add marshmallows, stir until completely melted. remove from heat stir in food color. pour marshmallow mixture over cereal in bowl stirring until well coated

3 ) for feet place 2 peanut candies on a cookie sheet. spray the inside of 1/2 cup measuring cup with cooking spray .for the body fill sprayed 1/2 cup measuring cup with warm cereal mixture place over feet releasing cereal mixture and covering back half of the feet repeat with remaing peanut candies and cereal mixture to make 12 globins immedaitely attach chocolate candies for eyes insert licorice for antenna.

Also, here is a PDF link if you want to see a picture. It's a very small picture at the very bottom of the last page in the PDF.

Off to the grocery store!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where does the time go?

It seems like I run run run and clean clean clean and you can't tell I do either! Oh well...

In the last week, I have had the scare of one child breaking a nose, one child that shocked me beyond belief in school work, and one that just seems to grow 3 inches every night in her sleep.

The nose:

I really wish I had pictures of this. However, it seems that a soon to be nine year old doesn't see the same humor in a swollen face as a mother might. Let me rephrase that. She doesn't see the humor in the story like I do. I didn't laugh at the wound, just the story. I digress.

Some friends from Norfolk (OM, remember Kathy and Dominick (the ring bearer) from my wedding?) came to stay with us last weekend. They arrived at 9:17 pm on Friday night. Isn't it amazing how you don't notice these things until something big happens??? Kathy and I sat and started chatting and catching up and the kids went downstairs to play, where they could be loud and not interrupt us. Much like Aunt J's house. :) At 9:23, yes just 5 minutes after their arrival, the boys came running upstairs screaming and hollering for me to come downstairs. No sooner did they reach me and I heard blood curdling screams coming from Addison in the basement. I have to be honest here. She is quite the drama queen. So I wasn't overly concerned until I saw her face. She was twirling in the basement, lost her balance, and landed flat on her face (literally) on the concrete floor. Blood EVERYWHERE. Nose so swollen I don't know how she could see, and her upper lip was so swollen that she honestly looked like a bird when she closed her mouth. I cleaned up the blood to find that it wasn't coming from her nose (good sign) it was coming from her lip and a little cut on the bridge of her nose. Oh... I forgot the bruise on her left elbow. She was convinced that her arm was broken and the bone was going to come out because she has never had an actual "goose egg" injury. Yes, she has had bruises, but never one that swelled up like that. She just knew the bone was going to puncture her skin. Rather sad actually.

I called TLC (Telephone line to care. Ask a nurse. GREAT invention!) and as soon as she answered, I started laughing, stating that if I didn't, I was going to cry. She was a wonderful woman that understood exactly where I was coming from and told me exactly what to do. From the call, we decided her nose wasn't broken, only bruised, but if the swelling hadn't gone down the next morning, we needed to take her in.

Needless to say, the swelling went down, the eyes and nose turned that nasty black/blue/purple/yellow/green bruise, and now are back to normal.

Guess this will be a lengthy post.....

Last week, on Tuesday, we went to PT conferences for the two older children. Addison's was first. I have to admit, I had reservations about her teacher this year. Not because I think she is a bad person, I don't even know her to make that claim. It was because her personality is so polar opposite of Addison's previous teachers. I was worried that she would, in a way, scare Addison. I don't really mean scare, but I can't find the word, forgive me. Back to school night, she seemed as though we were all wasting her time, but the night of conferences, she was AWESOME! She talked our legs off and had nothing but good to say about Addison. I think they have hit it off well, and that makes me VERY happy. She had wonderful things to share about Addison and how well she is doing and we left feeling really good about our daughter's education and successes in school. Again.

Then off to Zack's conference. I really was nervous about this one. He is just so..... Zack. He never wants to sit and listen to a book. He never wants to talk about numbers or to be taught anything. He wants to do it ALL on his own and doesn't want help from big people. See why I was nervous? He is my little man that walks to the beat of his own drum. HOWEVER. His teacher is seriously one of the most miraculous women I have ever met in my life. She has figured him out in a matter of days and has him learning at the top of his class!!!!!! I must be clear here. It isn't that I wondered if he is smart. I know he really is very intelligent. Even if he wasn't top of his class, I wouldn't care, but I think you all get what I am saying here. I honestly had no idea he would take off this quickly. I thought he would be.... well.... a boy! LOL! I thought he would be like my brother who didn't really care about the studies, but about P.E. and lunch and recess. Not Zack. WOW. She showed us his journal. This is a book that has blank pages with a large box at the top and 2 lines at the bottom. The idea is for the kids to draw a picture and then "write" their story on the lines. The teacher then comes around to translate the idea below the child's writing. Only one of Zack's had the teacher's writing on it. All of the others, if you looked at his writing and sounded out the sounds, you could honest to Goodness understand exactly what he was saying!!!! For example, he wrote "GOCRT". Guess what the picture was of? A GOCART! He drew a picture of him and Jeremy playing a video game that they have been trying for about a year to beat together. It's called Ratchet and Clank. He spelled it "rtchit and clnk". Seriously?!?!? Zachary?!?!? IN THE SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL?!?!?! I was elated to tears. I have never thanked a teacher like I thanked Mrs. Shurmann that night. It just amazes me.

This brings me to Jenna. There isn't a lot new with her. She is doing wonderfully in preschool, too. She loves it. She does NOT love the days she doesn't have school, that is for sure. I do have issues with her growing, though. I have, twice since school started, taken her clothes shopping only to have her outgrow everything in a matter of a week or two. The second time I got smart and bought everything a little big so that if she grows again it will still fit. Although, that's a lot easier to do with winter clothes than summer, I think.

One last thought. Kids' jeans really suck man. I mean REALLY suck. I want to meet the children they use for their guidelines. And then I want to take all of those guidelines and flush them down the toilet and line up all the REAL kids in the world and measure them! Uggghhhhh!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I didn't mean to sound like I felt it was her fault in that call. I do realize she was doing her job. She isn't the one that wrote the script. The thing that angers me is the people that ARE making up these surveys. They are VERY one sided and there aren't enough educated people, such as ourselves, that know the difference. It just makes me crazy to think these are the people "helping" me vote for a better life!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I have a question....

Now, I know that it's not a good idea to talk politics. However, I am open to others' opinions, it just doesn't mean it will change mine. That being said, feel free to ramble on when I am done.

I won't lie, I am a little behind on the debates (Presidential). I had company when the first one was on, so I recorded it and am just now getting the time to sit and watch it tonight.

I am maybe 15 minutes into it and the phone rings. I have that handy little thing that pops up on my tv screen to tell me who it is. It's all 0s. I answer. It's a pollster. Pardon me. A surveyor. Asking me about our Legislative candidates. I was honest and said that I hadn't had a chance to research them as of yet because I am a little behind this year and am still looking into the Presidents. (Believe it or not, I really spend a LOT of time researching these people on the internet before I go vote. I even do research up until I walk out the door to cast my ballot). The woman on the other end asked if I would be more willing to vote for candidate A or B if the election were today. I said I don't know. She then went on to talk about candidate A's promises but said nothing of candidate B's. Then repeated the first question. I again answered I don't know. When she asked if I had any other comments, I said this:

"How can I vote based solely on what you just told me? I am not trying to be harsh, but I told you in the beginning I had no idea who either person was and yet you told me only about one. Do people really make their decisions based on the "truths" of only one candidate, not knowing anything about the opposing other than their name (because they see it on the ballot) and their party (which they also see on the ballot)? This is honestly what is wrong with our government right now, ma'am. People are uninformed about who it is they are voting and then when it all goes to pot, they blame it solely on the President. Never mind all of the hands and minds things have to go through before the President even sees them. I am sorry that I have wasted your time by not being swayed by what you told me tonight, but I am beginning to realize with the more and more calls I get like this that I can't believe what I see on the news anymore about who is being voted for. And the reason I say that is because with each call these uninformed people get, they are changing their minds over and over based only on the information given them, at that moment, in that call. Have a good evening. Goodbye."

Rude? Probably. Too much honesty for a probable college student just trying to pay rent? Yeah, it is. However.... maybe she will think about what I said before SHE votes and will educate herself on more than just the one person paying her to ask these questions. Poor girl should work for Pizza Hut instead. She would get yelled at a lot less.


Just got done reading OM's post about 81 days. I should link it, but know by the time you get here, you will have already read it. So here are the thoughts going through my head.....

It's gonna be a mixed bag this year. The loss of one, the addition of another. The circle of life. And thanking God for it all.

This year I am not going to complain when I have to stand in line. I actually usually do pretty good with the hustle and bustle of the shopping. I really do thank God while I do it (several times a minute), reminding myself how lucky I am to have family and friends to share the holidays with and thanking Him for the Reason of the Season. It really is that simple.

I am going to minimize. I am going to spend less time worrying about the perfect gifts. Besides, I already got them. They are going to Mom and Dad this year. It's gonna be AWESOME. The others are just going to be kind of "thinking of you" gifts. There are bigger things this year. And the big thing isn't going to be there in person. It's gonna be rough.

I don't know what it is about the holidays that makes a person miss loved ones more than usual. Do you? What are your thoughts on this? I think of Grandpa Shafer often, but during the holidays he is ever present in my mind. Same with Uncle Myron. Remember him and Uncle Paul sitting at the kids' table?!?! I miss that. And now, this is Grandma Wells' favorite time of year and the wounds are still so fresh. It isn't that I am sitting here dwelling. It's that I have a lot of her decorations and as I put them out, I am reminded. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten them out yet this year. Maybe I should have waited. Oh well. Time heals. This helps.... maybe....

Anyhew..... 80 some days. Phew. Seems like a while. But really, it isn't. I can't wait for the music. I can't wait for the sermons.

But first..... THANKSGIVING!!!!! YAAYYYYYY!!!!!!