Sunday, September 30, 2007


Note: Mel, I responded to your ?? on last posting.

As I am (STILL!!) cleaning carpets and listening to the stereo (computer), I have found my life's song. Don't laugh. It's kind of a midlife crisis of sorts. The song is Beautiful by Christina Aguillera. It also reminds me of the posting by my dear cousin Mel. Listen to it, babe. It does wonders. I AM BEAUTIFUL!!!

And.... my carpets are getting more beautiful.... back to it....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blog Happy again.... but not happy....

I started cleaning carpets. Seriously. SO GROSS!!!! I don't know how I let it go this long. Thank God that I don't have light colored carpet or I'd really be in trouble. I realize that I have half a million kids in here all day every day. I get that. But Holy Cow!!! I am going to run out of cleaner before they are even halfway clean!!! And.... my living room isn't that big. I should be able to do the whole room 3-4 different times before having to buy more. And it isn't like I am putting too much cleaner in the machine... it has a seperate resevoir (that isn't spelled right...) and it mixes the solution itself. Kinda high tech and cool... but.... making me ANGRY!!! This is just SICK!!! I have gone over the same spot for an hour and the water doesn't seem to be getting any clearer. UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Holy WIND, B@tm@n!!

I talked to Mom at about 2:00 this afternoon. They have a weather station thing that tells the rainfall, temps, wind, etc. Pretty cool little gadget. OM & MBG.... it's Grandpa's old weather station. Remember the one? Anyway.... she said at that point, the peak gust was 75 mph!!! I am fairly certain (her in Linc0ln anyway) that it has gone well above that. You gotta love Nebraska!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

A loooooong story

Get comfortable.

Last night, as I was sitting in the house with a new daycare baby, my dear husband (here after: dh) was outside "watching the kids". After about an hour, he came in and there were no kids with him. When I asked where they all were, he said that they were at the neighbor's house playing and that they had the dog (Fifi) with them on her leash. They decided to take her for a walk. Whatever.

So, I get supper done and go out to hollar at the kids to come eat. They come running, dog in tow. Nothing abnormal, right?

We get done eating and the kids all run out again.... with the dog. As I am cleaning everything from supper, Addison comes in yelling that the neighbor boy's mom wants to talk to me. I don't think anything of it. She is a very nice lady. I actually figured that it was to inquire about daycare. Well, I go out and she does, in fact, ask about daycare. As we are talking, she says, matter of factly, that my dog bit her son and another kid about 5 minutes ago and does she have all of her shots? OMG!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!? You wait THAT long to tell me this?!?! And THEN you act like it's no big deal?!?!? It's a HUGE deal to me! I panicked. She assured me that it was alright and that she knew me well enough and the dog well enough to know that she isn't a danger. Well... yeah right!!! I mean I am sorry but I have daycare kids in here!! I can't have a dog that BITES!!! UGH!!

My immediate reaction is to take her to the pound. Of course DH, who can't stand the dog anyway, is anxious to take her. I start having second thoughts. Something isn't right. If it was DH she had bitten, I wouldn't think twice about her actions because for some stupid reason they just don't see eye to eye. They are like oil and water. The dog gets along with our cat better than DH. But for her to bite a kid?!?! There has to be more to the story. I asked the kids that got bit, and of course, nooooo.... they didn't do ANYTHING!!!

Well, DH wasn't taking it. He loaded her up and took her to the pound before I could ask our kids what all happened. So, this morning we get up and Addison tells me that the kids were playing basketball and that they were teasing Fifi and she got scared and bit them and they deserved it. **GASP!!** My dog is in the pound for defending herself?!?!? Ok...calm down... it will be fine.... she is making this up.

Then Zack gets out of bed and on the way to preschool, I inquire about last night's events. His story matched Addison's perfectly. He was asleep when she told me her story and she was not in the van when I asked.

At this point, I have been listening to my 3 year old cry hysterically because she can't find her dog and her "house" (the dg's crate) is missing.

I call the pound. No dog. I call animal control. No dog. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I know in my heart that he could never do such a thing but I start to wonder if DH could have done something terrible to my dog. But, it was in the back of my mind.

Went and got Zack from preschool and we drove from the NE side of town to the SW side of town to the pound and there was our dog. When I went to fill out the paperwork to bring her home, they told me that someone else identified my dog as their own. So I demanded that they bring her out and make her sit and let one of the kids call her. All of this after I had described, down to the number of rhinestones on her collar, my dog before even seeing her. So they brought her out and had Jenna call to her and sure enough she came. Luckily, that was convincing enough for them when they saw a 3 year old reunited with her dog to let her come home with us.

Needless to say, the dog is now in heat, which also slightly explains her attitude. I see a spaying in the near future. If Jenna will let her out of her sight that long, that is.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


With summer officially at it's end, my dear cousin has given me some things that she wants me to blog about.... so.... here is a walk down memory lane for you!!! (Or me, rather....)

Summers for my kids kind of bum me out. I don't like that fact that we live in the "city". They have VERY STRICT areas that they are allowed to ride their bikes, walk, etc. When I was a kid, things were totally different. We rode our bikes all over town. And country, for that matter. We never got rides from Mom and Dad anywhere. We would go to the pool from open to close and Mom and Dad never worried, because on our way there, they received 15 phone calls from all the neighbors making sure that it was alright that we were going that direction. And, if we got grounded, said people received the phone calls from our parents telling them that we were NOT to be out doing ANYTHING for said amount of time. If we tried to do things anyway, there were people coming out on porches telling us that we needed to get home or they'd be calling our parents to rat us out. Mom and Dad never worried about who we were hanging out with, because everyone knew everyone and everything about them down to the roots of their family trees. I think this helped us to pick our friends ourselves, because knowing that Johnny had a sketchy home life made us think twice about hanging out with them just because we didn't want to hear about it from Mom or Dad.

We also had a GREAT "vacation" every year. Just my brother and I. We would go to Hastings and stay out on the farm with Grandma and Grandpa Shafer for at least a week every summer. We would also spend a week with Grandma Wells. We'd get to go to the Pump (Pump and Pantry in Doniphan) with our cousin Mel and get ice cream. At least one time in the week, Grandpa would say, "We "need" to go to town. Hop in the car.", and we would go in to town to get KFC. He would ask us what we wanted and, quite literally, anything we even mentioned on the menu was ours to be had.

I hope that one day my kids will have the good fortune to live out in the country or in a small town and will make the wonderful memories I have. One day..... hopefully......

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Back to "normal". I had to go to my GP today (he's so dreamy!!! sigh) because my back just didn't seem like it was getting any better. Main problem being that me laying in bed thinking about all that I should be doing just wasn't working out!! So, I called and they got me in right away. He pushed around on my back and after a loud POP, he prescribed me some hydracodone. I know I need to go to the chiropractor. I just want to get it to the point that I am not in so much pain BEFORE I go. Once I go in and get adjusted, it will be sore again for a day and I am thinking that adding that pain to this isn't going to be fun. I must admit that when that spot popped, pressure was relieved and I am able to walk a little straighter. He did tell me, too, that my feet really ARE looking better and that he thinks it will be over soon. I have ONE MONTH until my big 3-0. I HOPE it will be over by then!!! He was also very kind and understanding when I started crying about my weight going up since I can't physically do anything with my feet like this. He was so sweet, saying that I am one of the most beautiful people he has ever met and that I am just as attractive at this weight as I was when I was 50-60 pounds lighter. He also said as soon as my feet are done, he will be helping me to figure out the best way to lose the weight and he will coach me in any way possible. It's so wonderful to have someone that I know I can count on!! Finding someone like him to care for our family has been a blessing that just keeps on giving. Plus.... did I mention how good looking he is?!?! LOL!!!

Otherwise, all is going VERY well. I have a new baby in my daycare that is just so stinkin precious I can't even begin to describe her. It's wonderful having a baby around again. And the best part is that I get to send her home every day!! LOL!!!

Supper is ready. I must go eat so I can take a pill! Hope you are all well!!!! OM, Jacque, and MBG...... are we getting together for another brunch when MBG is here again?!?!?!?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I was made aware yesterday that I am missed on my blog. Here is the thing.... I don't feel that I really have anything "perky" to type about this last week so I haven't been posting. I don't like to be a downer!!! So... here is what has been happening.

My back is seriously killing me. I think I have figured out that it's this stinkin cold because I woke up this morning feeling great but then after about 2 hours of being up and coughing, it's starting to hurt again. Of course it doesn't help that I just had my feet done again yesterday and I can't walk like a normal human!! UGHH!!!

On Saturday, went to the baby's funeral. All I can say is that it was just plain awful and I hope I don't ever cry like that again as long as I live. Nuff said.

My son has started preschool. I was really worried that he would be the kid that got into trouble every day. He tends to be a little "ADHD" when it comes to learning around here. He has surprised us and been quite the opposite. He is learning so much that it is honestly amazing me!! I am a little sad that he is growing up so fast, but at the same time I am thrilled that he is having so much fun. And he is SO SMART!!! Love it!! Today is their first day of swimming lessons (he goes to the YMCA), so I am hoping he will have something good to tell me.... I'll let you all know!

Grandma is still doing great! Her cousin from California is here for a couple of days, so I am sure they are living it up. They are like two little kids when they get together. I only wish I wasn't so sick so I could go say hi too. Oh well. C'est la vie!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I am so sick. I mean really really sick. As in, I should pry go to the doctor as I am sure I have at the very least a sinus infection, but the thought of taking all these kids in with me makes me even sicker!! Wanted to take a nap today. Thought since the husband was home that wouldn't be a problem. Hmm... yeah.... better just leave at the fact that I am sitting here typing and whining to the blogosphere and not sleeping.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Forgot to mention...

My dad and his two sisters and all of their spouses wrote a "strongly worded letter" to the hospital about the radiologist that screwed up Grandma's scans. They were NOT looking for monetary apologies, just a simple look into what had actually happened. Turns out that this is not the first time this person has done this, it is actually one of several times. My family was just the first one to actually say something so that they investigated it (imagine that... my family not being quiet!!). They got a response saying that not only is the radiologist in a rather large malpractice suit now, the rest of the staff is being looked into to make sure that they all did their parts correctly. It is unlikely that the supporting staff willl lose jobs, as it is the responsibility of the radiologist to make sure everything is in order before even attempting to read such scans, but they will be tested on their jobs at the very least.

So, thank Goodness that my family stepped up and said something. As they said in the letter, they weren't looking for any sort of money, they just don't want another life hurt like my Grandma's was. Or worse.

We will now ALL be writing a letter of gratitude to Grandma's Oncologist for listening to those little angels on her shoulder telling her not to let it go. Those little voices and her response saved my Grandma's life!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

My new favorite word



On Thursday (I am so sorry.... I will explain my delays in a minute....), we got Grandma's MRI results. Her tumor that was last measured at 4.5cm is now only 1.5!!!! The other tumor is now being called a "nodule", whatever that means. I can't even begin to explain the feelings of joy in my family right now. It's amazing. She has been given another chance (after a month ago being ready to die) and this is the answer to our prayers!! Thank you, again, for all of your prayers and support!!! Jacque.... you are next for the good news. God is taking care of you too, babe!! :D

Now.... for the rest of my story.....

Last week was so full and busy I can't even think where I need to begin! On Monday, I had no daycare kids so I thought for sure I would get everything done and caught up for the upcoming weekend where the hubby and I were to be gone and my momma was coming to stay with the kiddos. No such luck. I did NOTHING. I sat on my behind. Well... that's a lie. I did sit on my behind, but it was while I was trying my best to console my dear friend through the upcoming day.

Tuesday, said friend had to give birth to a child she had just found, four days prior, was deceased. I hope that no one I know will ever have to endure that again. Either side of it, listening to a friend go through it OR having it happen to them personally. It was, in every sense of the word, AWFUL. I also started a new 8 week old daycare baby that day.... catch 22.

Wednesday, when she got home from the hospital, without a baby in tow, I drove up to Norfolk and spent the night with her. I actually just came home when she went to bed. It was so exhausting. It's amazing to me how tiring crying is.

Thursday, MAD DASH to try and get things that I was SUPPOSED to be doing all week long done. I, much like my cousins, am the perfect procrastinator!! I can't think of anything else that was accomplished on this day other than watching kids and getting the house picked up and laundry done.

Friday, Zachary started preschool (yet another catch 22), we scrambled to get last minute things done, and then at 2 headed off to marry off one of our good friends.

We finally got home yesterday and oy..... I am STILL beat. I will try and post more about the wedding and weekend tomorrow. I really am just plain tired and I need to call Kathy and see what the funeral arrangements are. Please keep praying for the poor girl. I can't even imagine.

Have a wonderful night!! Hope to have more for you tomorrow!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I just don't understand why bad things happen to good people. I know that it is cliche. Doesn't mean it isn't true.

One of my very close friends of 15+ years just lost her baby 7 weeks to her due date. Granted, this is her 4th child, but it is so devestating. It's just awful. They found out last Friday at a routine check that there was no longer a heartbeat and ultrasound confirmed the loss only a few minutes later. One of the saddest things is that she had to go through labor and delivery just as if she was going to have a healthy baby, only knowing that it wasn't so.

Dawson was born at 3:44 pm Tuesday, September 4, 2007. He weighed 1 pound 14 ounces and was 16 inches long. He was pronounced dead one minute later. Funeral services are pending.

I went to Norfolk to see Kathy tonight. It was by far one of the hardest things I have ever witnessed in my life. I can honestly say that there are few times I have ever cried like that in my life. I don't know how she can live through this. She will, I know that..... but HOW is another story completely.

I must try and get some sleep. Just needed to vent.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


AND HUSKER FOOTBALL!!!!! This, my friends, is what I LOVE about Fall and Nebraska!!! I am not the type of Husker fan that can rattle off their stats since the beginning of time, but I LOVE the Huskers. I don't care if they win or lose, I just love to watch and cheer them on. High school and collegiate football have always been my favorite sports, especially when my "little" brother played. There is nothing like the crunch of helmets!!! Ohhhhh, I can't wait for 2:30!!!