Wednesday, August 27, 2008


She put my St@rbucks mug in the dishwasher!!!!!!!! ON THE BOTTOM RACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I know I know. I haven't posted pictures and a story about the first two days of school for Addison and Zack. However, just as I was sitting down to do it today, I got a phone call from a high school friend that another's mom has passed away. I am leaving tomorrow morning to go to the funeral. I will be posting later on. Again, I am sorry and hope that you haven't been waiting anxiously.

Be back Monday. Have a happy weekend!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Encouraging discussions

I have been letting the television babysit today. I have mounds of laundry to do and quite honestly, my kids seem to have a bug (daycare baby included) that has them feeling just enough under the weather that they are laying around quietly and will only eat crackers and drink water (their choices). Anyhew..... I know I was a little cranky the last post about a certain show, but I do have to say not all are bad. For example, we are watching Fr@nklin right now and it has encouraged great talks with the two younger kids. They have been talking about how the one character (the name has escaped me!) wasn't very nice and was making the others make bad choices so that they would fit into his crowd. In the end the "others" decided that they didn't need to be in HIS crowd and if he wanted to be their friend, he would join their crowd and play nice.

I am constantly amazed at how I can tell my children the same thing 100 times over in 50 different ways and they just don't quite get it. However, when a teacher or one of their favorite shows says it, it must be true and they soak it up like little sponges!!!

Oh well.... at least they are getting it, right?!?!?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Am I the only one????

Have any of you ever seen the show M@x and Ruby? I used to think it was cute. Not one of my favorites, but not horrible. The more I watch it, I can't stand it!!!! Am I the only person in the world that thinks things like: Where is their mother? Why is the sister the only one taking care of him?

And.... am I the only one that thinks she is a bit of a nazi? Seriously! She is so rude and snotty and demanding!!!

I made the kids change it tonight. I wasn't even watching it, I was in the kitchen making supper. But just listening to her made me so mad, I made them change it and told them I don't think they should watch it anymore. I just can't take it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dancin With Myself

I have been told you gotta love cable. Well, this "wonderful" invention now has my son watching this video over and over and over and over and over and then again. It's become absolutely insane. It all started with my husband looking on the guide for the Music On Demand and scanning the music videos. When he got there, he saw the classics section, saw this video, and we watched it for a good laugh. It took no more, Z was hooked.

Wondering what I am talking about? Wanna take a little walk down Memory Lane??? Here is a link!!! I hope you laugh as hard as we did!!!! Enjoy!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ya gotta laugh....

Ok, so. I don't really know how to explain this whole thing. But, yesterday I let Addison have a little friend over. When she got here, she said that the day before was her little brother's birthday. I used to baby sit them. **GASP!!!** Kaden's birthday is August 5th!!!! MY ANNIVERSARY IS AUGUST 5TH!!!! IT'S AUGUST 6TH!!!! Sooooo..... I text my hubs and say "Look at the date!! LOL!" He replies back with.... We are so dumb, this makes two years in a row!!!

HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Who does that?!?!? Really. WHO DOES THAT?!?!

Obviously, WE do that!!!! At least we both have a sense of humor about it, right??

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What was lost.....

Now is found!!!! It was in Zack's closet. Jeremy took a game off the floor yesterday and when he rolled it up, it got wrapped up in it. When he put it in the closet, it fell out on the shelf. Sooooo..... we found it!!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!!

How sad is it that life has come to this? Really. I am ready to disconnect the cable and be done with it all. I really mean that. This is insane.

Hee hee

As I was typing the "Ack" in that last post I thought of Grandma Shafer!!! Think of it for a minute, ladies. All of her little sayings. Horse Feathers. For cryin in a bucket. What others are there?????

Where oh where...

Has my cable remote gone? Oh where oh where could it beeeee??? Young and the Restless has already started and I need to seeeeeee!!!! I need that remote to start it over..... where oh where can it beeeeeee?????

(Even a $1 reward isn't helping the kids find it!!! AAACCKKKKK!!!!!!)

Monday, August 4, 2008

4 hours later.....

They finally got the ac fixed. Why they didn't just install a new one, I don't know. It's basically all new now, just in the old shell. So anyway, a condenser unit, a compressor, and a freon charge later, my air is working. Four hours after installation, it still hasn't shut off. At least it's cool in here. I just keep thinking the electric bill may cause a small heart attack at the end of the month!!!!

It's amazing to me how tired I am after sweating all day. I have showered and think I may get the kiddos down and hit the sack myself. Nighty night.... sleep tight!!

Hot hot hot

Of all the times for this to happen..... MY AIR CONDITIONER IS NOT RUNNING!!!!! UGGGHHHH!!!! Maintenance is here and checking the freon levels but holy cow it's hot in here!!!