Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Don't scream at me....

I AM READY FOR SNOW. I know it's not news to any of you that I am happiest in -20º weather. That's not an exaggeration, folks. Snow and bitter cold makes for a VERY happy Nikki. I loathe nothing more than sweating. Yes, I like the sun. But I do not like the unbearable heat that comes with this time of year. It makes me extremely crabby. I long for the cool crisp nights that Fall will bring soon.

It will be soon, right????


Mimi in the Midwest said...

I too, long for cool as I drip perspiration off my forehead so fast I can't keep it off my project I'm working on. Gross!! Well, I'll think of you as fall comes around.

Melanie D. said...

I heart the smell of the air on a cool Friday night when headed for a football game!

-20? Not so much!

I've been inside constantly the past few days working at school, so haven't really even noticed the heat! I don't know whether to be grateful or sad! :0)

Midwest Beach Girl said...

blech. I am so not looking forward to NE winters. I plan on spending everyday off this winter at the beach or the pool so I can cherish the memories.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep the heat, thanks!