Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where do they come from?!?

I know that I am not the only person in the world this happens to. Yet, I want to know the various theories on where it comes from.

As I am unloading the dishwasher, dishes I know to be clean, and putting away the silverware, I see them. Those pesky little crumbs in my silverware tray. Where do they come from?!?! You know what I am talking about. They look like toast crumbs. Here's the deal though: My toaster is never on the counter above the silverware. In fact, it is used on the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen. And it isn't like I leave the drawer open to catch all the junk when I do wipe off the counter. So..... where do they come from?!?! I am rather anal about the silverware when taking it out of the dishwasher, inspecting each piece to make sure it's clean before putting it away. I really can't stand grabbing the last clean utensil out of the slot only to find last week's supper still stuck to it.

Where do you think they come from? My theory? Those naughty little elves that trash my clean house every night while I am asleep eat toast to fuel their naughtiness and throw the crumbs in that drawer just before they go downstairs and dirty every stitch of clothing I washed the day before! ;)


Katie Brenneman said...

I don't want to think about it, becuase who knows what they are! Have you ever read a study about the dust in your keyboards? Most of it is food and skin cells. Skin cells! Ick! If I stop to think about what I'm wiping off of things, I'll be sick. Seriously, that ring around the bath tub? Ewww.

nikkis30by30 said...

Oh the ring around my bath tub honestly gets scrubbed at least every other day. I can't stand it. Even when the shower curtain is closed, I can hear it yelling at me to look at it. It's awful. Eww is right.

Midwest Beach Girl said...

Okay, my cleaning pet peeve is not even in my house. You know the bathroom stalls at restaurants and stores? If they are textured (which most are to hide minor wear and tear), they gather dust. You can just look at them and see the layer of filth. It's not on the list of cleaning duties for stores, so it just sits there and waits for some unsuspecting victim on the way to something important wearing all white or all black. ARGH!

Melanie D. said...

Bleach wipe. Once a week or so. Then I do the really hygienic thing and use my finger to swipe it quick every once & a while. To get those little crumbs out. My toaster is on the counter above my drawer (and you know I constantly make toast with the drawer open) so I tell myself that that's what those little crumbies are.

What grosses me out? Dusting the master bedroom. Our fan makes so much dust! And like Twinny, I can't help but imagine the skin cells. Ewww...

Mimi in the Midwest said...

I just have two words to say about those drawer crumbs- Uncle Dave!!!

Mimi in the Midwest said...

Oh yeah, my new cleaning pet peeve- said persons have a cough, to get better they run a vaporizor, the white film now covers everything in the bedroom, did I say everything? The silliest thing is I thought I needed to have my eyes checked because I couldn't see the bedroom tv. Upon closer observation I found it was COVERED with a thick white film............. what I do to get well.

nikkis30by30 said...

I would LOVE to blame the crumbs on Uncle Dave. However, he doesn't even know where I live!!! LOL!! But..... I DO have a husband!!! That's the ticket!!! Just one more thing to say is ALL his fault!!!